Shocking!!! For 20 Years Yoga Master Hasn’t Had A Cold Because He Snorts His Own Urine - Welcome to Physawl Ways

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Thursday, April 18, 2019

Shocking!!! For 20 Years Yoga Master Hasn’t Had A Cold Because He Snorts His Own Urine

Years Yoga Master

Shocking!!! For 20 Years Yoga Master Hasn’t Had A Cold Because He Snorts His Own Urine

‘He discovered it, he said he had some smell of something he has taken – some mushrooms from a party – he couldn’t get out of his nose and it was really frustrating. ‘Then he was drinking urine thought the mouth and he went, ‘let me see if I do it through my nose’. He’s quite an inventor, he’s like that. ‘When he shared it with me, the nose drinking, it looked like a baby elephant learning to drink through the trunk for the first time. It was incredible. Within a month or two you can get a handle on it. ‘I’ve asked doctors about it but the only answer I’ve got is that it’s not going to be harmful – they don’t see how it’s going to be beneficial

We’re pretty sure it is the latter. However, yoga master Sam Cohen, 41, claims that he’s not had a cold in nearly 20 years because he fills his nostrils with his own pee every time he uses the loo. As well as curing all ills the special needs teaching assistant also claims it works wonders for his sex life. He’s currently single.

Years Yoga Master
‘I’ve done it on the plane – I’m probably the first mile-high nose-drinker. ‘There have been some fancy hotels in London – in the Dorchester Hotel and in some famous night clubs – the Ministry of Sound.’ A Taoist Buddhist, Sam, from Islington, north London, calls his urine Auryn – Celtic for golden. Speaking about his sex life he said: ‘Before I was often drained and drowsy. I was 22 and once I started to drink urine I started to get younger again. ‘The urine is just like an overall boost. It will make you feel younger and make you have more hardness. It does actually make you last longer.

He said: ‘It is not possible to get a cold when you constantly drink through the nose. ‘You can feel under the weather but one drink up the nose and any clouds start to evaporate. ‘I take a cup with me. If I have to go to the bathroom I take it with me, close the door and drink through my nose. ‘You feel like Superman – you’re going to go into a phone booth and do something nobody knows and it’s a secret. ‘You’ve got your cup concealed and you go to the toilet and you come out and you look glowing and refreshed.

Years Yoga Master

He also drinks water, red wine, and vegetable and fruit juices through his nose, but warns that raw beetroot juice is ‘a little spicy’ He says he’s not alone. Sam and his friends Kelly Ra, 48, and Heron-Herbie Cox, 43, call themselves The Merkaba – vehicle of light in Taoism. Sam said: ‘We practice from 10 to 20 times per day with various drinks. The diluted version that arrives from the mouth is beneficial but not as the pure urine straight from the body. ‘It immediately calms and relaxes you. It facilitates digestion and improves appetite. It helps you breathe through the nose better. ‘It removes tiredness and lethargy. It enhances the libido. When you first do it, the initial part is a bit overwhelming because you feel like you’re drowning. ‘The brain might say to you, ‘what are you doing’, but you start to do it calm and controlled, then you see it’s a natural process.

‘When you do it calm and controlled and in a yoga way, it becomes very natural and you remember you used to do it in the womb and you can do it again. ‘Everything healthy we put up our noses. We also drink coconut water, hemp milk, hemp seed oil, CBD, fruit and vegetable juices and wine.’ Sam said he had come across around 100 people who also nose-drink on Facebook over the last four years. He also realised ‘old Chinese masters’ were also using the technique while researching for his book. Sam said: ‘It might have been an old technique but we never got it from them, we got it from Kelly trying it in the bathroom.

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