Instant-Six-Pack now possible At A Clinic In Thailand - Welcome to Physawl Ways

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Thursday, May 2, 2019

Instant-Six-Pack now possible At A Clinic In Thailand

Thailand Clinic

Instant-Six-Pack now possible At A Clinic In Thailand

There's a place in Thailand that's offering a quick fix Offers Plastic Surgery for 6-Pack Abs. Thailand Clinic has finally brought us into the future by making it possible to achieve six-pack abs without the heavy gym workouts 'Instant six-pack' now possible at Bangkok plastic surgery hospital hit the gym can now get 'instant' beach-ready sculpted abs by going under the knife at a plastic surgery hospital in Bangkok,

Ome did not shy away from the fact that his good looks were achieved through plastic surgery after revealing photos of his past self.

Many people are working on their beach bodies with summer just around the corner, If you adopt a healthy diet and regular exercise routine, you'll eventually sculpt your body into top shape. But ain't nobody got time for that! Vegetables are gross, that’s what most people think  And going to the gym sucks. 

Good news!  if you're looking for a shortcut and have some expendable income, The Masterpiece Hospital in Bangkok, Thailand offers 'instant six-packs' through plastic surgery. Typically patients who are already skinny get silicone implants to create a washboard stomach. However, surgeons at Masterpiece use a different method that's reportedly more realistic

The $3,700 procedure involves sucking stubborn belly fat out of the abdomen to etch high-definition abs. There's no silicone or plastic implants involved, although there is a road to recovery that looks pretty harrowing, based on the photos on the clinic's Facebook page. Hospital CEO and surgeon Raweewat “Sae” Maschamadol says the surgery doesn't hurt, though, And if you're not interested in cosmetic surgery, just learn to love your beer belly. Give it a name. Slap it like a drum. Use it to hold drinks and plates. You're not overweight - you're a plus-sized model. So bold, so brave, so beautiful. Shake that muffin top. The world is yours, dear.
 “We’ve been doing this for about three to four years now. We get anywhere from 20 to 30 customers requesting a six-pack every month," Maschamadol told Coconuts Bangkok"In order to naturally get a six-pack, one needs to work out as well as get lean. Most of our clients come in with a lot of muscle, they just want to save themselves months of leaning down."

"We are a licensed, legitimate hospital, unlike many other cosmetic surgery clinics around Thailand," Maschamadol added. "Which means, we have access to anesthetic and quality medicines." Masterpiece Hospital offers other treatments as well, including nose jobs, eyelid lifts and skin procedures.

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