Judaism Florished In Morocco - Welcome to Physawl Ways

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Sunday, April 21, 2019

Judaism Florished In Morocco

Judaism Florished In Morocco

The " March of Life " takes place every year in Poland. Several thousand people of Jewish faith commemorate the Holocaust.

Described as an international educational project, the event attracts many faithful from around the world. This walk is also a kind of ritual for the less young, "attended by all Jewish children after celebrating their fifteenth birthday". The walk is over three kilometers in the municipality of Auschwitz-Birkenau, the largest concentration camp and extermination of the Third Reich (1933 - 1945). The Moroccan Jewish delegation is strongly present. At its head, Rabbi Levi Banon explains that there are between 3,000 and 4,000 Moroccans of Jewish confession in the kingdom.

Asked about religious freedom in Morocco, the rabbi explains that in the country, "we cohabit very well, with other religions, as much with the Muslim community as Christian". And to add: The Jewish community has flourished in Morocco. It has been there for more than 2,000 years or more. 

This strong presence in the country allowed the community to establish itself fully, according to the rabbi, for whom "the community is highly respected by the government". Moreover, the rabbi, Banon explains that the largest part of Jews in Morocco is established in Casablanca. The community has 22 active synagogues, six kosher restaurants, five kosher butchers and four Hebrew schools.

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